
Pivot to Asia


クリントン国務長官がForeign Policyの2011年11月号のに寄稿した論文"America's Pacific Century"によると、米国はこれまでイラクとかアフガンにリソースをつぎ込んできたけど、イラクの戦争は落ち着いて、米軍はアフガニスタンから撤退することになった。そこでこれからはリソースを効率的に使っていかなければならないんだそうです。その意味で、アジア太平洋地域に、外交面でも経済面でも関与していくことが大事だという判断らしい。

As the war in Iraq winds down and America begins to withdraw its forces from Afghanistan, the United States stands at a pivot point. Over the last 10 years, we have allocated immense resources to those two theaters. In the next 10 years, we need to be smart and systematic about where we invest time and energy, so that we put ourselves in the best position to sustain our leadership, secure our interests, and advance our values. One of the most important tasks of American statecraft over the next decade will therefore be to lock in a substantially increased investment -- diplomatic, economic, strategic, and otherwise -- in the Asia-Pacific region.


Harnessing Asia's growth and dynamism is central to American economic and strategic interests and a key priority for President Obama. Open markets in Asia provide the United States with unprecedented opportunities for investment, trade, and access to cutting-edge technology. Our economic recovery at home will depend on exports and the ability of American firms to tap into the vast and growing consumer base of Asia. Strategically, maintaining peace and security across the Asia-Pacific is increasingly crucial to global progress, whether through defending freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, countering the proliferation efforts of North Korea, or ensuring transparency in the military activities of the region's key players.

なんかそのまんまですね。アメリカは財政的に厳しくて、Budget Control Actなんかでは国防費も含めて一律削減ってこともありえる。米国内では「海外に関与すべきじゃない」という声もあるわけですが、それでもヒラリーは「関与しないわけにはいかない」(we cannot afford not to)としています。その理由は、やっぱり、米国企業にとって新しい市場を開拓し、核拡散を防止し、商取引や航行のためにシーレーンの安全を確保することが米国の繁栄と安全の確保にとって重要だからです。

With Iraq and Afghanistan still in transition and serious economic challenges in our own country, there are those on the American political scene who are calling for us not to reposition, but to come home. They seek a downsizing of our foreign engagement in favor of our pressing domestic priorities. These impulses are understandable, but they are misguided. Those who say that we can no longer afford to engage with the world have it exactly backward -- we cannot afford not to. From opening new markets for American businesses to curbing nuclear proliferation to keeping the sea lanes free for commerce and navigation, our work abroad holds the key to our prosperity and security at home. For more than six decades, the United States has resisted the gravitational pull of these "come home" debates and the implicit zero-sum logic of these arguments. We must do so again.


でも、こうしたアメリカのスタンスは間違っているんじゃないのという指摘もあります。Foreign Affairsの2012年11・12月号にボストン大学のローバト・ロス(Robert Ross)教授のThe Problem Wiht the Pivotという文書が載っていますが、これは、中国が南シナ海や東シナ海で軍事活動を活発化せているのは国内のナショナリズムを落ち着かせるためで、中国の軍事的な野心や脅威が高まっているわけではないのに、アメリカが軍事力のアジア太平洋シフトを加速させてしまった結果、かえって中国との緊張関係を強めてしまっているという内容です。

Beijing’s tough diplomacy stemmed not from confidence in its might -- China’s leaders have long understood that their country’s military remains significantly inferior to that of the United States -- but from a deep sense of insecurity born of several nerve-racking years of financial crisis and social unrest. Faced with these challenges, and no longer able to count on easy support based on the country’s economic growth, China’s leaders moved to sustain their popular legitimacy by appeasing an increasingly nationalist public with symbolic gestures of force.

Consider China’s behavior in such a light, and the risks of the pivot become obvious. The new U.S. policy unnecessarily compounds Beijing’s insecurities and will only feed China’s aggressiveness, undermine regional stability, and decrease the possibility of cooperation between Beijing and Washington. Instead of inflating estimates of Chinese power and abandoning its long-standing policy of diplomatic engagement, the United States should recognize China’s underlying weaknesses and its own enduring strengths. The right China policy would assuage, not exploit, Beijing’s anxieties, while protecting U.S. interests in the region.























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